Euro To Japanese Yen

Below you will find both of the currency conversion rates, Pivot points, Technical Indicators and Moving Averages. And also you will find all the current and previous currency details like is chart time frame.

  • Banks and other transfer services have a dirty little secret.
  • In the beginning rate at 147.1 Yens.
  • In the beginning rate at 128.9 Yens.
  • High exchange rate 7.41, low 7.08.
  • The EUR to JPY forecast at the end of the month 135.0, change for December 1.7%.

High exchange rate 7.32, low 7.06. The JPY to EUR forecast at the end of the forex month 7.20, change for December 2.0%. In the beginning rate at 7.07 Euros.

The JPY to EUR forecast at the end of the month 7.07, change for July -1.0%. In the beginning rate at 7.05 Euros. High exchange rate 7.25, low 7.04.

Will Eur Jpy Fx Rate Crash?

The EUR to JPY forecast at the end of the month 131.3, change for October -1.4%. In the beginning rate at 130.0 Yens. High exchange rate 135.2, low 130.0. The EUR to JPY forecast at the end of the month 133.2, change for September 2.5%. In the beginning rate at 134.0 Yens. High exchange rate 134.0, low 128.1.

Information on this website is general in nature. We recommend that you seek independent financial advice and ensure you fully understand the risks involved before trading. Trading through an online platform carries additional risks. Over 175 million people use currencies pegged to the euro, such as the Danish krona and West African CFA franc .

The JPY to EUR forecast at the end of the month 7.28, change for May -1.6%. In the beginning rate at 7.27 Euros. High exchange rate forex 7.51, low 7.27. The JPY to EUR forecast at the end of the month 7.40, change for April 1.8%. In the beginning rate at 7.30 Euros.

Understanding Live Exchange Rates

EUR (the ‘base currency’) is quoted in terms of JPY (the ‘counter currency’). provides the latest technical analysis of the EUR/JPY (Euro /Japanese Yen). You may find the analysis on a daily basis with forecasts for the global daily trend. You may also find live updates around EUR to JPY the clock if any major changes occur in the currency pair. All forecasts are updated on daily basis. Only mortgage rates forecast and history are updated weekly. The page also shows the dynamics of the exchange rate for the day, week, month, year, in graphical and tabular form.

High exchange rate 145.9, low 141.5. The EUR to JPY forecast at the end of the month 143.7, change for March -1.2%. In the beginning rate at 142.5 Yens. High exchange rate 147.6, low 142.5.

High exchange rate 7.91, low 7.52. The JPY to EUR forecast at the end of the month 7.63, change for March -1.8%. In the beginning rate forex at 6.84 Euros. High exchange rate 7.16, low 6.84. The JPY to EUR forecast at the end of the month 7.06, change for November 3.2%.

Time Is Money!

High exchange rate 135.0, low 129.0. The EUR to JPY forecast at the end of the month 131.0, change for January -3.0%. In the beginning rate at 132.7 Yens. High exchange rate 137.0, low 132.7.


High exchange rate 7.51, low 7.29. The JPY to EUR forecast at the end of the month 7.40, change for June -0.7%. High exchange rate 7.56, low 7.34. The JPY to EUR forecast at the end of the EUR to JPY month 7.45, change for May -1.2%. High exchange rate 7.66, low 7.43. The JPY to EUR forecast at the end of the month 7.54, change for April -1.2%. In the beginning rate at 7.77 Euros.

In the beginning rate at 132.9 Yens. High exchange rate 132.9, low 127.0.


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High exchange rate 143.6, low 139.4. The EUR to JPY forecast at the end of the month 141.5, change for July 1.1%. In the beginning rate at 141.9 Yens. High exchange rate 142.1, low 137.9. The EUR to JPY forecast at the end of the month 140.0, change for June -1.3%.

In the beginning rate at 6.96 Euros. High exchange rate 7.09, low 6.89. The JPY to EUR forecast at the end of the month 6.99, change for April 0.4%. In the beginning rate at 6.88 Euros. High exchange rate 7.07, low 6.85.